Becoma a sponsor

Help Sponsor SAST

We invite you to become a sponsor of the Swedish Association for Software Testing (SAST)! You can support our organization by covering all or part of the costs for a membership meeting or by becoming a web sponsor. This is a wonderful opportunity for your brand to gain visibility and connect with our community of testing professionals.

By sponsoring SAST, you not only help us maintain high-quality events and resources but also position your organization as a key player in the software testing industry. Your support enables us to bring in expert speakers, facilitate networking opportunities, and provide valuable learning experiences for our members.

We offer a variety of sponsorship packages tailored to meet different needs and budgets. Please take a moment to explore our sponsorship offerings (see the link below). Whether you’re interested in sponsoring a specific event or becoming a long-term partner, we have options that can fit your goals.

This is a chance for you to showcase your commitment to the software testing community and engage with professionals who are passionate about the field. If you have any questions or would like to discuss sponsorship opportunities further, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our sponsorship manager for more details or send an email to We look forward to the possibility of partnering with you!