On Tuesday the 25:th of May we host a joint meeting with SAST Väst (Gothenburg) and SAST Stockholm and speakers from all around Sweden, and abroad.
När vi ändå skapar ett digitalt SAST-möte så spelar avstånd inte längre någon roll. Då passar vi på att göra det tillsammans med representanter från SAST-föreningar i hela landet. Dessutom tar vi med några av de mest internationellt erkända, och mest kända, forskarna kring kvalitetssäkring av mjukvara i hela landet och låter deras tankar möta verkligheten.
Den 25 maj blir det således en heldag SAST-event.
När vi slår samman kvartalsmöten från olika SAST-föreningar såhär så blir det såklart stort, så häng med på flera parallella spår om kvalitetssäkring, mängder av tal och talare från hela landet.
Ta chansen att få en helhetsblick över testläget i hela Sverige just nu. Är du rädd att missa något tack vare de parallella spåren? Var inte det. Vi spelar in merparten av konferensdagen, med undantag för en del trix och bus utmed dagen, men allt känns såklart mer engagerande live, och chansen att ställa frågor till föreläsare direkt - och att mingla med dem i pauserna - händer såklart bara den 25/5.
Så: Boka undan så mycket som möjligt den 25/5 i din kalender. Bänka dig med bra bandbredd och häng med!
Länk till anmälan: https://www.meetup.com/en-AU/SAST-Vast/events/277872485
Registrering sker med Meetup-konto, inte med SAST-kontot.
Welcome to our large digital test conference, arranged by several SAST communities.
We have taken the opportunity to create a meeting that hosts speakers from all of Sweden and abroad as we don't need to travel by using digital channels.
We have booked a few of the most internationally recognized and famous researches in quality assurance of software in the country and let them discuss their findings versus the industry.
The conference is a full-day SAST event at 25:th of May, starting at 09:00. As we are hosting in a collaboration with several SAST communities, we have chosen to go big, meaning that we will have many different parallel tracks that aims to have something for everyone.
Take the opportunity to get a 360 degree overview over the status in the nation in software testing. Are you afraid you will be missing out on something in the tracks? Don't be, we will record everything and it will be available for later viewing. However, being with us live gives you the opportunity to interact and talk to the speakers - and that is an opportunity that is only available in the conference!
Please book your digital seat now!
Link to sign-up page: https://www.meetup.com/en-AU/SAST-Vast/events/277872485
You register with a Meetup-account, not with your SAST account.
Track 1: Leadership and soft values Track chair: Jörgen Tech-staff: Anna/Johannes |
Track 2: Tools and Techniques Track chair: Tobias Tech-staff: Bengt |
Track 3: Agile Track chair: Jonas/Lena Tech-staff: Anna/Johannes |
Track 4: Quality testing Track chair: Eva Tech-staff: Johan |
Track 5: Academic track Track chair: Per Tech-staff: Emil |
Time | Link to recording at YouTube |
YouTube stream before noon YouTube afternoon stream |
YouTube streams below | YouTube streams below | YouTube stream |
09:00-09:15 | IntroductionShort introduction to this QA feast (Zoom link) |
09:15-10:00 |
Eric Sternerson
doWhile TBD
Delivering with Confidence
Link to presentation Confidence Labels provide a clear and efficient way for teams and automated test activities to communicate what they have found regarding the quality of the products or systems under test. In this talk we will describe the concept, show concrete examples of how it is used in the industry (Ericsson, Volvo Cars, eBay), describe how this relates to event-driven-continuous-delivery efforts currently underway, as well as go through a number of use cases and strategies where Confidence Labels provide strong benefits. After the talk, you should have enough information to see if Confidence Labels is something for you, and how to start using them. |
Priti Vishwakarma
Inceptive I am Priti Vishwakarma. I am a Test Engineer and I have been working for 7 years in Testing domain. My skill set includes both manual and automation testing. Currently I am a consultant of Inceptive and working as an Automation susb-system tester for Alstom. Together with my team, we enable a fully automated & efficient system to run mining trains in driverless automated mode with Built-in Train Protection & Traffic control system.
Fog Computing- The future of IoT Technology
Fog Computing extends the Cloud Computing paradigm close to the edge of network, and thus enabling a new breed of applications and services.
This is why it is also sometimes called as Edge computing but the defining characteristics of the Fog are: Low latency, Mobility, High efficiency and performance.
In this presentation we will talk about What is Fog Computing, how is it different from Edge computing, its benefits and limitations and how it will shape the future of IoT.
Chris Hofstetter
inUse Chris Hofstetter is an old guy with a young mind, who never ceases to be amazed at what we can learn from each other. As head of training services at Konsultbolag1 Utbildning, he's been doing his part over the years to help Sweden continuously learn and mature within the areas of testing and requirements management. Chris is currently head of inUse Academy, where Konsultbolag1 Utbildning has found it's new home. He continues, through talks and training, to bring the quality, development and design communities together into a more effective, cohesive whole.
What testers should be learning from designers?
Link to YouTube video Link to presentation This little talk is about how you can better change the world, for the better. We'll start by examining the definitions of quality and of design. Working with synergies and collaboration between these two fields of expertise will empower us as changemakers. Your take-aways from the talk will include a broad mix of practical models, tools, methods and mindsets inspired by design thinking, UX design, service design and impact mapping. Some examples are "first shitty draft", double diamond, impact map and trigger material. |
Fredrik Scheja
Sogeti Fredrik Scheja arbetar som rådgivare och coach inom modern utveckling och hjälper större bolag med att transformera deras sätt att se på test och kvalitetssäkring. Han har arbetat med såväl privata bolag som myndigheter i främst detaljhandel. fintech och hälsovård. Fredrik drivs av möjligheten att lära sig nya saker samt inspirera människor runt omkring sig.
Digitala tvillingars betydelse för test och QA
Link to presentation Link to YouTube video "Vi har problem med testmiljöer och testdata!", "Vi använder testautomation alldeles för lite", "Vem bär end-2-end ansvaret?" Dessa frågeställningar stöter jag ofta på och många IT-initiativ slutar fortfarande inte som förväntats. Är det på grund av bristfälliga kravspecifikationer, resursbrist, verksamhetskompetens eller undermålig testning? Nej, boven i dramat är många gånger alltför förenklade förhållningssätt.Digitala initiativ skapar snabbt en enorm komplexitet. Vi påverkar mängder av tekniska system men också oräkneliga människors unika upplevelse. Vi bör förstå och agera utefter insikten att vi rör oss på outforskad, okänd mark tillsammans.Komplexa digitala initiativ mår oftast bra av ett systemiskt förhållningssätt som bygger vidare på att se utveckling som något organiskt istället för mekaniskt. Detta förändrar i grund och botten hur vi förhåller oss till test och kvalitet. Jag tänkte berätta hur jag arbetar för att ändra människors mentala modeller för att bättre rusta oss inför framtiden. |
Dr. Markus Borg
RISE Dr. Markus Borg is a senior researcher with RISE Research Institutes of Sweden and an adjunct lecturer at Lund University. His research interests reside in the intersection between software engineering and applied artificial intelligence.
From Beauty in Code to Beauty in Data
In his book “Your Code as a Crime Scene,” Adam Tornhill argues that beautiful source code means “no surprises”. It turns out that a fundamentally different guiding principle must be embraced when developing an ML-based system. Average can no longer be the target – “Beauty in Data” requires diversity. In this talk, we will elaborate on the transition of the beauty concept using ADAS testing as an example.
10:00-10:50 |
Gitte Klitgaard
Mentimeter Do you know Gitte? She has been an agile coach at leading companies like Spotify, LEGO and IBM for more than a decade and has had her own company since 2013. She just started her adventure as "Engineering Manager and Coach" at Mentimeter. Her main focus the last years have been communication and implementing psychological safety as well as responsibility and accountability. It is essential for Gitte to be authentic, to cut to the chase, and help people become themselves, so they can succeed at work and outside. She also spends time being a speaker, mentor, and trainer and have so far keynoted on three continents - often about the things that we forget to talk about. Gitte describes herself as “curious, hippie, friend, hugger, geek and learner”
Psychological safety and courage – two sides of the same coin or not?
Link to presentation Though the term “Psychological safety” was first coined (pun intended) in 1965, it went mostly unnoticed until the end of the millennium. After Google looked into what makes a hyper effective team and Modern Agile started presenting “safety as prerequisite”, the term has been quite popular in the IT industry; especially in the agile world. But what is it? Why is it important? Is it the same as being brave? Or is that something totally different? Stay tuned for the next episode of… I mean for my talk :) |
Dr. Sigrid Eldh
Mälardalen University/Ericsson M. Sc in Comp. Sc. from Uppsala Uni; PhD “On Test Design” from MDH, Adj. Prof. at Carleton Uni, Snr. Lecturer MDH. Leading Software Test & Quality Research at Ericsson.
30 years of Testing Systems
Listen to the founder of SAST, SSTB and ISTQB, reflecting on her experiences of Testing Systems: What is the same, what has changed and what is new. Sigrid will share her incredible journey with some best (and worst) approaches, highlighted with some insights from the latest testing research and practices.
Anders Barnå & Lars Johansson-Kjelleröd
Unicus Lars Johansson är Unicus grundare och Anders Barnå är VD och ansvarig för Unicus svenska verksamhet. Vi är båda ekonomer, Lars har gjort många år som aktiemäklare medan Anders har sålt och lett konsultverksamhet. Idag brinner vi för att göra skillnad för en grupp som, trots att de har efterfrågand kompetens ofta inte hittar sin plats på arbetsmarknaden.
Nyttan av olikheter i dagens agila team
Link to YouTube video Link to presentation Det har gått fyra år sedan Unicus senast stod på SAST sen, då i Stockholm. Mycket har hänt med oss och på den marknad vi agerar. Under vår prestation tar vi utgångspunkt i förmågorna som följer av Aspergers och placerar dessa i olika sammanhang de är till extra stora nytta i dagens agila värld. Vi delar också en del erfarenhet kring bemötande då det autism är vanligare än vad vi tror i teknikvärlden. Också berör vi kort Elon Musk … |
Anders M Olausson
Sopra Steria Anders är QA Community Lead och QA Strateg på Sopra Steria Han har lång erfarenhet av att utbilda, föreläsa och coacha inom krav, test och agilt arbete.
GDPR i utvecklingsmiljöer
Link to presentation Link to YouTube video De flesta vet ungefär vad som behöver göras i produktionsmiljöer, men vad innebär egentligen GDPR för oss som jobbar med utveckling och test? GDPR är svårt att hantera i produktion men är om möjligt ännu svårare att hantera i utvecklingsmiljöer och det är mycket vanligt med missuppfattningar om hur lagen påverkar utvecklingsmiljöer. |
Dr. Riccardo Coppola
Politecnico di Torino, Italy Riccardo Coppola received the Ph.D. degree in Control and Computer Engineering from the Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy, where he currently works as a Research Assistant with time contract. His research interests include automated GUI testing for web and mobile applications, and the evaluation of non-functional properties of software projects
Automated Generation, Evolution and Maintenance: a perspective for mobile GUI
Testing practices in the mobile domain still see a predominance of manual and unstructured testing because of Hardware Fragmentation, which causes different test behaviours when executed on varying devices, and test fragility, which requires costly and constant test cases maintenance to the frequent app changes. This talk describes the conceptualization of a framework to combine different generation techniques for mobile test cases, automatize the test execution on multiple devices and multiple releases of the same SUT, and automatically repair fragile test cases.
10:50-11:40 |
Dorothea Ramstedt
Recorded Future Half-German, service-minded quality improvement engineer with passion for product user experience and efficient communication to get the job done. 20+ years experience working within R&D.
Communicate from your heart especially in stressful situations
Link to presentation Working hard for something we don’t care about is called stress Working hard for something we love is called passion. |
Daniel Einerving
WirelessCar Daniel is a Software Engineer at WirelessCar and has been building Serverless Applications in AWS for the last 2,5 years. With a DevOps mindset and a focus on Quality, Daniel and his team has gathered a lot of experience in how to validate and deploy multiple changes a day to production.
How we manage to deploy 20 times per week
How we manage to deploy 20 times per week
Nicola Lindgren
ustwo TBD
Testing without requirements.
Link to YouTube video You may have found yourself on a project (or will in the future), where there are no written requirements. Or maybe they may have existed, but lacked any detail whatsoever? The thing is, you might not have realized it at the time, but you were still in fact working with requirements - they just weren't written, or explicitly stated. When you think about it, requirements are everywhere (but may be called something different) - from your work projects to your local restaurant to a job description. I’ll share my experience from previous projects about implicit requirements and explicit requirements along with suggestions on how to handle a lack of requirements or fuzzy requirements. |
Urban Jansson
Easit Sportintresserad och tystlåten norrlänning
20 år av kvalitetssäkring i statens tjänst
Link to YouTube video En berättelse om hur det är att vara funktionell testare på några statliga verk. Hur vardagen ser ut och vilka sorts tester som bedrivs. |
Dr. Felix Dobslaw
Mid Sweden University/Mittuniversitetet Felix Dobslaw is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Software and System Development, at Mid Sweden University. He is a nomad in the computer-sciences and has a background as a developer, researcher, and teacher in fields such as Software Engineering, Wireless Sensor Networks, and Artificial Intelligence. Felix is passionate about programming, tries to avoid refined sugars, but has a soft spot for ice cream (and Semlor as he found out not too long ago).
Exploring the Boundaries of our Software
This talk highlights the relevance of framing automated software testing as an explorative, adaptive, and interactive process rather than a repeatable script. Felix explains Boundary Value Exploration which fills the gap between traditional Boundary Value Analysis and Boundary Value Testing, and showcases how it can be deployed in practice to both fix bugs and sharpen the specification. The talk further discusses some of the current issues that Felix and his co-researchers work on in the realm of test automation.
11:40-12:45 | Lunch break and mingle (Zoom link)Break for email checking, eating and more. We keep the Zoom rooms running for people to be able to mingle - almost as a regular SAST event. |
12:45-13:00 | |||||
13:00-13:40 |
Martin Nilsson
House of test Martin from the House of Test is currently consulting as a Test Manager and has an unusually broad background in technology and in Test. As an M.Sc. from Chalmers he studied subjects from microprocessor architecture to complex and adaptive systems and also studied business economics at Gothenburg school of business economics and law. By a mistake he started his career as a tester at Ericsson almost 15 years ago and it turned out to suit him perfectly; he has gotten to work with interesting technologies in various fields and he has gotten to work with people from all around the world. He has been working with testing in multiple fields and levels; from performance testing to being a test coordinator for over a hundred testers. He has built test educations, from short courses to one spanning over one and a half years, from New York to Malmö. He has also been a frequent speaker at test conferences, from Tallinn to California. In his free time he likes to tinker around with his computers and his 3d printer where he lives close by the sea north of Malmö. Despite him being technically skilled he attributes his biggest successes to his ability to build rapport, to build relationships with people, so make sure to see his talk about it!
The coffee cup is mightier than the keyboard
Link to presentation Though my technical skills are excellent I have found that my biggest successes have come from my ability to build rapport and connect with my coworkers and from understanding communication flows. I work as a test and quality consultant and I often have new clients. This means that I quickly need to establish an information flow and the fastest way to gain those are by getting to know people. In this talk I will share a couple of experiences that highlight the importance of building rapport; an experience where it was not possible to meet face to face (a challenge a lot of us have faced the last year) and an experience that made me start using the coffee cup as a work tool. I will also share a model that I use to systematically model the communication flows in an organisation. Often there are informal paths of information that can be uncovered when you start looking for them This talk has been presented at conferences both in Europe but also in the USA, from local conferences in Skåne, to Nordic Testing Days in Tallinn, To Eurostar when in Maastricht to StarWest in California. |
Anderson Tavares
Synteda PhD in Computer Science, Postdoc researcher in Computer Vision and Machine Learning, world champion at WorldSkills 2007 on #9-IT SW Business Development, interested on 3D Machine Vision, Deep Learning, 3D Reconstruction, Object/Instance Detection, Tracking and Classification.
Computer & Vision & Testing
How to make computers see, understand what they see and act upon it? How difficult is to develop and test Computer Vision and Machine Learning systems to interpret images and solve tasks like detection, recognition and tracking? How our biological vision system inspired an infinitude of techniques for solving those tasks? This is an introductory presentation about Computer Vision and Machine Learning techniques, including the recently rising area of Deep Learning.
Jonas Hermansson
IT-huset Fritänkande och rutinerad QA-nörd med en pedagogisk knorr
Shift Right!
Link to YouTube video "Shift Left" är en framgångsfaktor för att få kvalitetssäkringen som en naturlig del av utvecklingen. Minst lika viktigt, och praktiskt mycket svårare är att införa "Shift Right". Shift Right är att vi utför all typ av testning i sprinten och att hela teamet är med och utför den. |
Ruben Smits
Volvo Cars Presented by Ruben Smits, who is working as Solution Test Architect at Volvo Cars with areas like connected cars and Android based Infotainment systems. Before he joined Volvo Cars he gained more than 20 years of experience in testing and CI in different domains like online retailing and medical software
Connected Android Automotive, a breakdown of a large service oriented system
Link to YouTube video An explanation of how Volvo cars breaks down test efforts including real-life examples |
Prof. Daniel Sundmark
Mälardalen University Daniel Sundmark is a Professor of computer science, focusing on engineering of embedded software and systems at Mälardalen University, where he also leads the Software Testing Laboratory research group. His research has largely been undertaken in collaboration with industrial partners such as Ericsson, ABB, Bombardier and Scania.
Software testing research: What is lost in our quest for innovation?
Engaging in research projects together with universities and research institutes may seem attractive to some and complicated to others. But what should one expect from such collaborations? What actually constitutes meaningful testing research? This talk will highlight the intersection between research and innovation, and the dangers of confusing these concepts.
13:40-14:20 |
Morgan Ahlström
Sprywise TBD
Mind the gap
Link to presentation "Have you ever heard the word ’NO!’ come out of your mouth before your kid even finished their question? Have you ever felt that you’re repeating the same thing over and over in an argument? Or, have you censored yourself from saying that one important thing because you’re not supposed to say things like that? Most of us have a limited repertoire when it comes to how we respond in different situations. We limit ourselves with our comfort zones, survival stances and internal filters. But does it really have to be like this? Unclear who actually said it but Stephen Covey popularised the saying and attributed it to Viktor Frankl: “Between stimulus and response there is space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” In this session we will look at how some of the tools from pioneering family therapist Virginia Satir can help us exploit this space between stimulus and response to be more congruent in our communication and to create new options for ourselves." |
Geoffrey Bache
TietoEvry Geoff Bache is an experienced software developer and works for TietoEvry AB in Gothenburg, Sweden. Geoff has a particular interest in agile methodologies, and has pioneered the use of automated system acceptance tests in his organization. Over the years he has used and developed various techniques and tools, most recently the acceptance test tool “TextTest”. Geoff has presented his work in papers, workshops and tutorials at various conferences in Europe and the USA, including Agile Testing Days, Europython, EuroStar and Scandinavian Developer Conference.
An introduction to Approval Testing
Standard automation techniques and tools still often produce test suites that are ineffective and/or unmaintainable in the long run. One reason is the frequent use of assertions. These come from developer unit-testing and are optimised for simple small-scale tests with a single well-defined outcome. Approval Testing, in contrast, aims to capture system behaviour, filter it, and manage changes in it, rather than define correct behaviour up-front. This leads to tests that can handle a larger amount of information and can adapt to changes in a more agile way.
Liza Ivanskaia
Resan från testare till PO
Link to presentation Link to YouTube video Jag har arbetat som testare/testledare/testchef hela mitt liv och nu har jag gjort en resa vidare mot nya utmaningar - på vilket sätt är det lika/olika att vara en testare och att vara en produktägare? Vad tar jag med mig längs vägen och vad har jag upptäckt nu, som jag inte visste sen tidigare? |
Linda Hoff
Qlik I have a wide experience of software testing after 20 years in the business. I both have ISTQB and Scrum Master certifications and is also a trained TPI assessor. But my biggest interest is how we can pick the cherries from different techniques and how to leverage data for valuable and consumable information about test and product quality.
A tester learned how to use data in a powerful way, you wont believe what happened next…
Link to presentation Link to YouTube video As testers, I bet you all felt the feeling of hopelessness when no one thinks your opinion is worth listening to. If that opinion is backed up with data, it is suddenly not debatable and if important enough, it will get prioritized. Data can be one of your most important tools but there are also situations where data can mislead us and trick us into making wrong decisions. If you want to get a good result it is not enough using data, you need to learn how to understand data and how to communicate data as information. This session will provide you with a glimpse of what data literacy is and how you can improve your skills how to turn data into the most powerful tool you ever had. Key takeaways: -Basic understanding what Data Literacy is -Hands on tips and tricks for how to work with data |
Waleed Abdeen
Blekinge Institute of Technology Waleed Abdeen is a Ph.D. student at BTH since 2020. He obtained an MSc in software engineering in 2019 from BTH, Karlskrona, and a BSc in computer engineering in 2011 from IUST, Damascus. From 2012 to 2017, he worked as an IT Engineer, and between 2014 and 2017, he worked as a software engineer. His current research topic is requirements engineering, focusing on traceability between requirements and different artifacts to enable automatic verification.
Performance Requirements Verification and Validation
Model-Based Testing (MBT) is a method that supports the design and execution of test cases by models that specify the intended behaviours of a system under test. We have developed the Performance Requirements Verification and Validation (PRVV), a modeling approach that aims to support performance testing. This approach can identify issues in the requirements related to their quantifiability and completeness and generate test environments. We motivate our study by the lack of MBT techniques for performance testing that supported the major benefit of modeling, namely identifying faults in requirements specifications.
14:20-15:00 |
Host: Per Hermansson
Delegates: Prof. Daniel Sundmark, Linda Hoff, Liza Ivanskaia, Jim Lindkvist, Jonn Lantz
A debate being fascilitated by Per Hermansson who asks relevant questions to people with interresting perspectives.
Tomas Helmfridsson
AddQ Tomas Helmfridsson AddQ Consulting har varit inom mjukvarutestning de senaste 20 åren. För cirka 10 år sedan kom Tomas kontakt med MBT vilket sedan dess har inspirerat Tomas i hans arbete.
En studie i Modell baserad testning.
Varför lyckas vissa testautomatiserings satsningar medan andra fallerar?
Varför använder så få Modell baserad test inom mjukvaruindustrin? I denna presentation fås resultaten från en akademisk forskning som tillsammans med experter inom testautomatisering svarar på frågor rörande testautomatisering och Modell baserad testning. |
Pablo Garcia
Expleo Pablo är en mycket erfaren profil inom test och kvalitetsbranchen. Förutom att, sedan 1996, arbeta som allt mellan testare, kvalitetsstrateg och Totalprogramledare har han sedan 2004 utbildat testare, testledare och teststrateger både i Sverige och internationellt. Han föreläser ofta och har talat på de flesta stora internationella konferenserna. Pablo brinner för yrket och för att skapa nya duktiga testare. Om du frågar honom vad han är stoltast över i sin karriär så svarar han: Att utbilda över 400 sjuksköterskor, läkare och barnmorskor till Acceptanstestare och Acceptanstestledare, och att vara medgrundare i SIGIST. Idag är han VD för Expleos Stockholmskontor, men kan inte hålla sig från att köra testuppdrag.
Att identifiera och hantera Agila klåpare
Länk till presentation Link to YouTube video Alla har träffat den där ”Agila” personen som föreslår något galet och säger med fullt övertygad blick: ”Det här är agilt på riktigt!”. Hen kan t.ex. just sagt: ”Vi hinner inte granska User Storyn”, eller kanske en av de vanligaste klåparkommentarerna: ”Vi hinner inte enhetstesta om vi ska leverera det vi lovat”. I den här föreläsningen går vi bl.a. igenom de 5 vanligaste Agila Klåpartyperna: -Papegojan -Referensspecialisten -Hybristypen -Sagoberättaren -Kändiskännaren När man identifierat de Agila Klåparna i sin omgivning så övergår man till att hantera de problem som skapas av dem genom en strikt process som man kan kalla för ”Argumentationsprocessen”. OBS Denna föreläsning är speciellt viktig för er som redan nu identifierat Agila Klåpare men inte vet vad man ska göra. |
Viktor Lindström
WirelessCar Viktor is a Security Architect currently working at WirelessCar. Viktor has previously worked as a security consultant doing Penetration Testing, then as Security Specialist at Volvo Cars. Viktor has also been heavily involved in the non-profit organization OWASP through the Gothenburg chapter, with aim to increase IT security knowledge and awareness to everyone. An enjoyable a day at work, is when he can work close together with development teams to increase knowledge about security. |
Dr. Bogdan Marculescu
Kristiania University College, Oslo Bogdan Marculescu graduated his PhD from BTH, Karlskrona, working on developing and deploying evolutionary algorithms for software testing, in particular in testing embedded systems. Currently he is working as a postdoctoral researcher in Høyskolen Kristiania, on the development and evaluation of the EvoMaster project.
EvoMaster: Automated test generation for RESTful APIs
EvoMaster (www.evomaster.org) is a tool that automatically generates system-level test cases. Internally it uses an Evolutionary Algorithm and Dynamic Program Analysis to generate effective test cases. The tool generates self-contained, runnable, JUnit tests for RESTful APIs compiled to JVM 8 and 11.
The talk will focus on the progress of EvoMaster, its capabilities and limitations, and on the further opportunities this progress opens. As work on the technical capabilities continues, it becomes relevant to discuss questions around the tools and its potential for adoption in industry: - how data resulting from automated system might be used, interpreted, and integrated with existing processes; - the impact that EvoMaster might have in terms of the testing process, and how this impact might be assessed; - what additional capabilities would be needed to make EvoMaster in particular (and automated tools in a more general sense) useful and interesting for industry |
15:00-15:40 |
Martin Karsberg
Infotiv Martin har under lite mer än två decennier jobbat med olika former av mjukvarutestning. För en kille som inte kan koda är ju detta rätt OK. Som testare har Martin lyckats erövra flera olika roller och titlar så som Testare, QA Engineer. Testledare, Revolverman, Test Manager och delsystem verifierare. Den senaste titeln som lagts till högen är Forskningsledare (typ projektledare, alltså). Så, forskning? Jo, Martin leder Infotivs engagemang i två olika projekt som fokuserar på Verifiering och Validering av Machine Learning funktionalitet. "ML - Det nya svarta" är ett försök att föra samman Martins erfarenheter från 20 år av testning med de nya insikter dessa projekt gett.
ML - det nya svarta
Martin har under lite mer än två decennier jobbat med olika former av
mjukvarutestning. För en kille som inte kan koda är ju detta rätt OK.
Som testare har Martin lyckats erövra flera olika roller och titlar så
som Testare, QA Engineer. Testledare, Revolverman, Test Manager och
delsystem verifierare. Den senaste titeln som lagts till högen är
Forskningsledare (typ projektledare, alltså).
Så, forskning? Jo, Martin leder Infotivs engagemang i två olika projekt som fokuserar på Verifiering och Validering av Machine Learning funktionalitet. "ML - Det nya svarta" är ett försök att föra samman Martins erfarenheter från 20 år av testning med de nya insikter dessa projekt gett. |
Lena Wiberg
Mentimeter TBD
Delivering fast and slow
Link to YouTube video Link to presentation DevOps, CI/CD, Fail Fast, testing is dead. Daily, we are pushing the boundaries of how fast we can deliver software. Constantly running on a knife’s edge between great success and horrible failure. Delivering something new, better, faster than our competition can mean incredible payoff and we are constantly being asked to cut costs and deliver more, faster, cheaper. But then suddenly, you fall off the other side of the edge and wake up to 189 dead in a plane crash or having to take down and redesign your entire banking service because the architecture didn’t hold up to the load. It probably wasn’t your decision to push that to production but one can imagine that a long chain of people have to have made a number of small (or huge) decisions that led up to that result. So, where do we draw the line? Do we let that potential risk slip by even if we know it might potentially cause someone to lose time, money, or even health? What are we, as individuals, responsible for and how much can we hide behind the chain of command? We will explore the ethics of software development, focusing on quality in general and testing in particular. We will look at what costs the context switching between solving a problem and finding the gaps in the solution will add to software development and why testing is so much more than automation and scripts. We will talk about the relationship between tester and developer, how delivering feedback and embracing critique can strengthen that bond and how the right question in the right room at the right time might save you from drowning in angry customer calls further down the line. We will delve into a number of interesting bugs and loopholes to discuss what can be learned from them and how to make sure that at the end of the day, we will sleep soundly, knowing we made our choices not because they were easy but because we believe them to be right. Takeaways: Ethical considerations when balancing speed & cost vs. quality and traceability Potential legal implications to consider in choosing what corners to cut Showcases of spectacular bugs |
Spare slot in case we need to move any mal-functioning presentation.
Spare slot in case we need to move any mal-functioning presentation.
15:40-16:00 |